Some of our members have suffered significant property damage in the wake of the recent storms. Many of us have been touched by the efforts and kindness of neighbors both known and unknown during these days of clean-up and restoration. Shady Hollow residents have shown that this is indeed, a great place to call home.
This being said, after a conversation with Commissioner Daugherty’s Office, the SHHOA Office must alert its members to four important facts:
1. It is the homeowners’ responsibility to remove the brush and debris from their properties.
2. Any brush placed in the roadway presents an endangerment to the safety of the driving public and can be considered illegal dumping.
3. Unless the governor declares a state of disaster for our area, the County does not have the authority to remove storm debris from the properties of private citizens.
4. While the County was here yesterday and are here today to pick up brush – they are only authorized to pick up the resulting brush from trees that they cut themselves.
We urge you to arrange to have your debris removed from the roadways as quickly as possible and ultimately hauled off and dumped for the safety of everyone here in Shady Hollow. Thank you.