Architectural Control Committees are your neighbors who volunteer and are elected to review all requests submitted for permission to make repairs or enhancements to your property.
An Architectural Improvement Permit, based on the requirements of your section, must be obtained BEFORE you begin your project. A permit can be completed online by login to the Nabr Network homeowner site. No improvements, alterations, repairs, excavations, or other work which in any way alters the exterior appearance of any Lot within SHADY HOLLOW, or the improvements located thereon, from its natural or improved state existing on the date such Lot was first conveyed in fee by Declarant shall be made or done without the prior approval of the Architectural Control Committee, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Declaration. No building or other structure shall be commenced, erected, maintained, improved, altered, made or done without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee or any committee established by the Architectural Control Committee for the purpose.
The CCRs are included with your closing documents at the time you purchased your home. For easy reference, CCRs for each section are included in this website. If you are not certain which section applies to your home, see the SHHOA Sections Map and/or Sections by Street Address.
Complete the Architectural Improvement Permit form found in the resident site, including a detailed site plan showing the location of all improvements and buildings, complete with all dimensions. It will be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee for your section. If you are not a member of the Shady Hollow HOA, please contact the office for a form.
If you are interested in serving on your section's architectural review committee, fill out the Join a Committee form, found in the resident site.